I Think I’m Off the DL List.

Hey everybody! So I think it’s been almost two months since I’ve written anything, but I think I’m off the “disabled list”. I guess you could say that many things have been occupying my time. (Work, music, my son, etc). Books have been a big part of my time out of the blog world as well.

I’ve been reading quite a bit, and I recently finished a book by Paul Auster, Moon Palace. Awesome book! I’m also a quarter of the way through another book by Auster, Timbuktu. I really enjoy this author because he doesn’t sugar coat his books with cliché endings and plots, but writes realistically about a period in his character’s life.

I’m also reading a book by Soren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling. Unbelievable…I don’t even know what else to say at this point other than it’s mind blowing. Other books are on my horizon, but I’m just waiting until I get through these before I start more. I’ll try and post more frequently, and I bid you goodnight.

~ by Josh on October 28, 2007.

8 Responses to “I Think I’m Off the DL List.”

  1. You should read Auster’s New York Trilogy. It’s one of those books that I just read straight through. It didn’t break my heart like Moon Palace, but it had Auster showing off a bit, and it’s the more skillfully written book. The Music of Chance is really good too (I read the whole thing at Barnes and Noble). It’s good to know I’m no longer the only one who likes Auster (me and all the French).

    Fear and Trembling was the first real work of Philosophy to blow me away. I’m sure there was a lot I missed, but I look forward to reading it again in a few years when I’m a genius. But it was a book that radically changed my views on God and Religion.

    I don’t know if you are looking for suggestions, but I’m currently trying to get everybody I know into T.S. Eliot. “Ash Wednesday” and “The Hollow Men” are two of the most astounding poems I’ve ever come across, and of course, everybody loves “The Waste Land” (for good reason).

  2. read “Jim and Casper Go to Church”
    Its really good.

  3. Andrew – actually The New York Trilogy is next on my list by Auster. I almost bought it at the book store the other day, but I figured that I better finish this last one before do. Thanks for the other suggestions; I’ll have to add them on my wish list. I love Elliot; he’s one of my favorites.

    Hey Jon – I’ll check it out.

    Thanks for the comments guys.

  4. make that 3 (besides the french) who like auster

  5. And then we became three!

  6. What books in the Bible are you reading? I am reading through the book of Luke right now, that story about the prodigal son and the richman in hell is over the top in relevant wisdom.
    Also i have been reading Spurgeon and John Gill…wow…they had a grasp on things that is void in modern writers today.

  7. That’s awesome dad. You’re right about relevant wisdom. I was just talking with someone at work about the book of Luke. I’m in Ephesians right now. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Josh what do think of this? http://lavatican.wordpress.com/2008/03/20/a-nephew-sketch/

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